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Why Professional Power Washing Commercial & Residential Properties Saves Time & Money 

There is a big DIY culture out there. People in this country like to be in control and engaged with the upkeep and maintenance of their properties. It’s why home improvement store sales skyrocketed during these past few years. As people were confined to their homes and many business owners had an empty office, questions about cleaning and maintaining properties were high on the priority list.  There was a resurgence of people seeking tips and techniques for how to improve their homes, businesses, and commercial spaces. There are several advantages to using power washers on your property; let’s take a look at a few, today! 

So Why Should I Hire a Professional Power Washing Company?

It may seem like no big deal to pick up a power washer and tackle the cleaning job that you’ve been putting off forever, but taking the risk to clean the property yourself can come with hidden risks and costs. 


With great power comes great responsibility. Power washers are relatively straightforward devices but—as the name suggests — they offer a lot of power. That means that the power behind the gun will very easily break a window, crack your siding, damage exteriors, crumble brick and mortar, and more. A professional power washer knows how to handle the machine and understands the incredible pressures that it’s shooting.  If you accidentally cause damage to your property when power washing, that is only going to reflect against your pocketbook. 


Professional power washers have experience handling the high pressures of the machine. In addition, many building structures and materials are more delicate than others. Not all of them can withstand the highest psis. It is important to calibrate your technique when handling a power washer around some more delicate materials. Accumulated dirt and grime on materials like stucco can be a real eyesore, but stucco is made out of aggregates, binder, and water—which means it can crumble more easily. When not careful, you can scour the surface and ruin the wall. If this is your office building or home, it’s not a great look! Fixing it up and patching it back up will cost a pretty penny. 

Rental costs 

If you don’t already own a power washer, you will have to acquire one, more than likely by renting it or buying it through your local hardware store. The cost of renting one might not be worth it if you are doing a one-time cleaning. Even if you plan on cleaning once a year, the costs of renting one several times can add up. 

Keeping Personnel Safe

In addition to the safety of your property, you want to ensure the safety of personnel in the area. If you have someone that is not a professional handle a power washer, it can be subject to injury that will put your employee in jeopardy and risk injury. It will cost your business operational productivity. Not to mention one of your wonderful employees might get hurt! 

What Questions Should You Ask Your Power Washing Company?

There is more to power washing than first meets the eye. So now that you have decided to find a professional to do the job, make sure you find out a little bit about how they work and how they plan to tackle your specific project. That’s because cleaning the exterior of an office building is different from power washing a drive-thru or inside a warehouse. So here’s what you can ask your potential power washing company:

What’s the power washing process like?

Find out a little bit about how the company works and how they plan to approach your project. It’s important that they are very aware of the material they will be dealing with as you know that the pressure can make a big difference in causing damage to certain materials like vinyl sidings, windows, etc. 

Are your workers experienced and do they have insurance protection? 

It’s not uncommon for injuries to happen in trickier power washing jobs. It can be helpful to find out whether the company you hire has insurance protection for their workers in case something happens on your premises. 

How do you approach the cleaning of windows?

It’s not a bad idea to make sure that the power washing company has a very specific and different process for cleaning windows. The wrong pressure can cause great damage and, when it comes to windows, broken glass is no fun for anyone. 

Go With Experienced Professionals at El Paso Cleaning Solutions

Not only do we have an experienced and friendly staff ready to answer all of your questions, but we also specialize in commercial and industrial power washing. We do all the heavy-duty jobs you can think of. Whether you have a mechanic shop, gas station, restaurant, or other commercial establishments, we have the right process and the right power washing tools for the job. 

Get the power of true clean with EP Cleaning power washing. Call us today!

Top view of a Worker cleaning the street sidewalk with high pressure water jet on rainy day

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